Brand exploratory study Using secondary data

Assignment3 – Brand Exploratory Study Using Secondary Data

Purpose: To conduct an exploratory study of a selected brand using secondary data. The goal of the assignment is to find out what consumers think, feel and do about the brand. Specifically, to uncover the consumer’s knowledge of the brand, awareness, and the strength, favorability and uniqueness of associations (i.e. categorization, use, and the brand promise). Also, to investigate the consumer’s purchase, use and disposal patterns.

Secondary data sources may include but are not limited to company sources (i.e. brand website), trade magazines, business publications, consumer blogs, Internet searches and social media outlets.


  • Introduction.
  • Findings.
  • References.

Include a brief description of your selected brand. State your specific research question(s) and/or objective(s) of the study (e.g. What we know about your brand? What research has been conducted in the past? What are the consumer insights with regards your selected brand?).

Criteria: An “A” introduction section should start with appropriate (relevant) background and clearly state the questions and/or objectives of your study.

Make this section a completely objective report of the discoveries.

Summarize your findings in narrative format (e.g. use of bullets) and illustrate them, if appropriate, with figures and tables. (Please note that the narrative should complement any figures or tables, not repeat the same information).

Indicate which observations or findings are most relevant.

Criteria: An “A” findings section should be precise (e.g. avoid irrelevant information), concise and be well organized (e.g. use of subheads).

List the sources used to conduct the study in alphabetical order. Pay particular attention to their date of publication.

Criteria: An “A” references section should be comprehensive and use the selected format (e.g. APA, AMA) consistently.


  • The minimum number of pages is 2 1/2. The maximum number is 4.
  • Please use Times New Roman font, 12 pt.
  • Be precise, concise and to the point.
  • Your assignment should be submitted via Blackboard-Assignments/Projects tab.

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