Consider Freud’s theory of personality… now consider these fictitious peeps: Jack, Jill, and Humpty Dumpty.

Directions: Now that you have read your text, browsed through chapter notes, and watched appropriate video clips, answer four (4) questions below (you chose). Each of your responses should between 5-10 single-spaced lines.


  1. Consider Freud’s theory of personality… now consider these fictitious peeps: Jack, Jill, and Humpty Dumpty.


Jack who has a dominant Id, no Ego and no Superego. Describe Jack’s characteristic ways of thinking and behaving.


Jill has a dominant Superego, no Ego and no Id. Describe Jill’s characteristic ways of thinking and behaving.


Humpty Dumpty has a dominant Ego, no Id and no Superego. Describe Humpty Dumpty’s characteristic ways of thinking and behaving.


  1. How did Jung, Horney and Adler deviate from Freud? Describe 2 key concepts from each theorist.


  1. Describe and evaluate the theories of Maslow and Rogers.


  1. Consider the impact of culture on personality. If you are (or were) from a collectivistic society, how might you be different from those living in an individualistic society?


  1. Consider the introverted and extroverted personality types. Now listen/watch this TedTalk by Susan Cain


What did you hear the speaker say? What do you think?


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