Final exam


  • Complete the following exam using this form only (adjust space requirements as necessary, there are no limits) and in the space provided and in type only.Do not change font, text size, etc and make sure each answer you provide is clearly written and associated with and/or responding to the correct number/letter
  • Email the completed exam to me using only your MSU email address and with “FINAL EXAM” in the subject.If you have any questions that were not answered during our exam prep in class on Friday December 8, 2017 or you have documented and valid reasoning for not being present for that prep you may send them to me via email as well.Be sure to leave yourself time to receive an answer because only valid and documented excuses will be considered for penalty-free abuses of the deadline.
  • The exam is due to me via email before 5p (EST) THURSDAY DECEMBER 14, 2017.Exams will be assessed a 1 point per minute late penalty beginning at 5:01p (EST) and this will be determined by the time stamp on the email I receive.
  • Make sure your full name, course title and section number are visible both on the exam itself AND in the text of the email you send.
  • Be detailed in your answers.Take the time to think carefully about your response, refer back to work we’ve covered this semester and be sure to bring specific references from that work to your answers below.Write as if you are explaining yourself to someone who has no idea what we’ve done this semester and that your are starting from scratch in letting them know what you think.

PART ONE: (100 POINTS/20 each)

Choose any 5 songs released only within the last 2 years (nothing before 2016) that you like, listen to, have heard of, etc.List the song title and artist and then for each one (do not repeat any artist or song) tell me: A) its parent company or distributor or owner, B) its rating number which you will determine by grading its lyrical content and then C) discuss what you think this means in the context of our class, our approach, our discussions, definitions of terms, etc.Be detailed, include quotes from song lyrics and feel free to reach any conclusion you like.You are only to be judged on the steps taken to reach your conclusion, just explain yourself in detail.

RATING NUMBER:To determine a song’s rating first look up its lyrics and then read them carefully looking for A) violence directed against Black or Brown people, B) messages that demean or are negative towards women, C) encouragement to buy commercial products or go shopping.Any reference to any of these ideas should be counted and the RATING NUMBER is simply the total number of references to any or all of these ideas that you hear or see in the lyrics to the songs you’ve selected.

  • Parent company / distributor / owner
  • Rating Number
  • Discussion
  • Parent company / distributor / owner
  • Rating Number
  • Discussion
  • Parent company / distributor / owner
  • Rating Number
  • Discussion
  • Parent company / distributor / owner
  • Rating Number
  • Discussion
  • Parent company / distributor / owner
  • Rating Number
  • Discussion

PART TWO (25 points)

WATCH “WE ARE LEGION” and then respond, in detail, to the following:

  • What do you think about this film?
  • Write a short essay explaining what you take from in this documentary and specifically how you think this documentary impacts your understanding of the internet and your own use of the internet.

PART THREE (75 points / 25 each)

Select any THREE course offerings, not previously used in this exam, and discuss them in relation to something, also not previously used in this exam, from your own media diet. For instance, how has the class offering impacted how you see something in your media diet now? Or what have you learned about your media diet based on one or another course offering? For example, “I watch SHOW X.Now that we’ve seen or read or discussed XYZ I now think this way about my show… (and explain).”How do you know what you know or like what you like?

A COURSE OFFERING is anything I’ve shared, discussed, showed, required be read, etc. during any point of the semester.Use only one course offering once and make sure it has never been used as an example by you anywhere else in this exam.

Your MEDIA DIET consists of any media you consume as you would food in a regular diet.Be more specific than simply referring to broad base social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook or Instagram.Do not simply refer to them but use as media diet examples sources those platforms actually take you to, for instance, the website, video, song, blog, essay, article, etc. you actually go to as opposed to the platform used to get you there.


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